Netra Basti is essentially a bathing of the eyes. Netra means “eyes” and basti is the Sanskrit word meaning “to bathe” or “cleanse.” This deceptively simple, yet deep acting treatment is use therapeutically under medical supervision to address many eye complaints, but also has many beneficial side effects from a beauty standpoint. It cleans the eyes and relieves the tensions trapped in and around the eyes and their sockets. This relaxes not only the eye area, but the whole face. Fine lines and puffiness in the eye area are eased, along with inflammation and dryness of the eye and the skin around the eye.

Benefits Of Netra Basti

• Helps to refresh tired, dry, itchy and teary eyes.

• Helps to improve vision.

• Enhances the beauty of eyes along with the face.

• Nourishes the optic nerve and the nervous system.

• It is a preventive therapy for those suffering from diabetes and hypertension.

• Is very beneficial for removing dark circles and wrinkles.

• Very soothing for dry and tired eyes especially for those who work on the computer.

• Helps to improve memory.

• Relieves tension throughout the body.